1. superman ( man of steel )

    gd morning admin share
    2:00 pm – 811 189 519 T/R Three (3)
    non entry
    (91) 129 139 190
    (11) 112 115 110 113 111
    (69) 369 690
    (66) 366 660
    (99) 399 990

  2. Thingy

    Good noon admin to all pasabay @big brada superman.. (19) 109 519
    Vrooom vroom!

  3. superman ( man of steel )

    gd pm admin share
    5:00 pm: 778 675 510 T/R Three (3)
    non entry
    (51) 571
    (78) 178
    (76) 167 678

  4. Congrats bro superman

  5. superman ( man of steel )

    gd evening admin share
    9:00 pm 630 631 130 T/R Three (3)
    non entry
    (08) 380
    (11) 113
    (18) 138
    (38) 338
    (36) 336

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