1. gudmorning happy sunday share 333 999 000

  2. Have blessed sunday everyone…
    Share 722 gl thanks ADMIN…

  3. superman ( man of steel )

    gd morning admin share
    2pm 689 989 089
    489 789 289
    486 686 786
    086 719 919
    419 619 019

  4. capricorn68

    Good morning all… Probables for today..

  5. Junar

    522 532 542
    512 552 543

  6. Junar

    Pahabol 572

  7. 940 lumabas 2pm

  8. superman ( man of steel )

    share 5pm 104 704 004
    804 444 144
    744 044 147
    747 007 107
    437 037

  9. 334 plus 1 minus 1 share 9pm 333

  10. superman ( man of steel )

    share 9pm 402 002 202
    702 302 902
    432 232 732
    332 932 442
    342 472

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