1. Maaung buntag sa tanan²
    Share 360 unta ma grasyahan ta ninyo thanks ADMIN…

  2. superman ( man of steel )

    gd morning admin share
    2pm 270 277 273
    570 577 573
    200 203 500

  3. Junar

    804 805 806
    807 550 500
    504 554 553

  4. scorpio


  5. Junar

    5pm 505
    Congrats all winners !!

  6. Ga-ara

    820 my 9pm bet good luck to me

  7. joegacs

    Congrats junar 505 5pm result!!!
    576 – t/r for 9pm

  8. SMP23

    Congrats Junar 550

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