1. yeng

    good morning to all sitemates and to all winners yesterday!!!

    i-share ko lang ang para sa ALL 3-digit draws: 931, 413, 825, 552, 710, 601, 261, 716, 158, 885, 043, 934, 154, 646, 040, 704, 932, 823, 218, 696, 627.

    lasto probables (rambol): 93, 14, 13, 82, 55, 52, 71, 06, 01, 26, 17, 16, 15, 88, 85, 04, 39, 34, 1, 46, 45, 04, 07, 40, 39, 28, 23, 18, 96, 57, 27.

    goodluck to all happy tuesday to all sitemates!!!

  2. jimmy

    morning po sir admin ug hurot jai alai>>>> 9-4-1>>>sis anom sure get one ending L2

  3. Zaitam

    Good mwning po sir Admin/moderators! Mga bossings! Cybermates! Happy Tuesday hurooot!!! God Bless!

  4. exR0CKER's

    permission to enter admin.

  5. exR0CKER's

    651 652 MD share

  6. Good morning Admin and to all Lotto afficcionados
    BANDERA GALAW : 3 7 Share 371 376 379 good luck to all .

  7. good morning po boss admin, moderators .mga Bros & sis @ brother superman@ Zaitam Omar domino jmmy redhorse warlock thingy mommy anom simply_Lyn grace leelit cupcake yeng geng og SA tanan sitemates hurot .. Congrats all yesterday winners ..smile lang po tau hihihi
    all draws share;; 314 133 227, 714 822 927 , 516 043 162 523 ..maraming salamat po boss admin and moderators..

    11AM SHARE: 517`715`915`951`618`681`570`750

  9. morning admin share 021 022 203 204 205 206 207 421 221 121 721 423

  10. Good day Admin/Moderators & Sitemates
    Share 462-793-180-617-200
    Thanks Admin hoping to win

  11. Good morning po admin gd, mrning po sa lahat sitemates,,,,,,,, share 11am,, 599, 039,, 525,, 155,, 303,, 199, 129, 159, 549, 761, 011, 500, 279,,199, 4oo, 136 125,,, thank you po admin,, pamasin lang ni,,,

  12. aung buntag admin ug sa tanang sitemates. . .

  13. Bumps

    Gud morning tanan/bos admin
    ((((((926))))))—((((((946))))) 916-056 ///491-907-902-901-632 dpenz 205-207-201-497gudluck

  14. para 11am draw, try lang 141 144. . .

  15. domino

    Good morning admin bro.superman and all sitemates..share probables 11am draw:::160 150 110 190 191 ////960 961 950 951 910 911 990 991 ////760 761 750 751 710 711 790 791….salamat

  16. 075 071 751 275

  17. good morning,admin,moderators @bro superman,bumps,zaitam,domino,warlock,fisher,jimmy
    Edopax,thingy,sis@ anom,cupcake,heart,geng,yeng,mommy,simply-lyn,madel,jaribantogan,boboiboy,angken,rusty and to all sitemates…lucky and blessed Tuesday!!!
    Share all draws:325,808,881,315,809,237,867,468..Goodluck

  18. Geng097

    Morning boss admen,morning all,share:544-114- 743-731 ty po

  19. Geng097

    Morning to omar,anung hiring ngaun mga clasmate,post na kau cnung nakaalam,jeje

  20. 117

  21. mommy

    Good morning admin,sitemates ,11am share 581 964 322 713 169 633 421 659 073 131 736 814 lasto 13 73 22 33 21 59 81,

  22. Good morning Admin at sa lahat ng sitemate, share
    269 249 069 169

  23. bhong

    good morning admin moderators and to all share 629 269 698 689 047 370 073

  24. jhung2x

    Good morning admin all site mates..
    share 256 814 251 874

  25. 594 528 704 965 702

  26. superman ( man of steel )

    good morning po admin share PHN067 069 068 066 066 065 061 063 ( 06 OTHER PAIR NO 09 56 05 66

  27. Cupcake_vmd

    Good morning boss admin, moderators and @ALL Sitemates… LUCKY, HAPPY and BLESSED TUESDAY to EVERYONE…
    11am SHARE: 3D: (708) 147 516 030 930 (023) 219 638 369 452 109 950 2D: 12-19 07-26 11-30 07-08 10-30
    Dream 011 868 530 GOODLUCK! Maraming SALAMAT po boss admin and moderators 🙂 🙂 🙂

  28. Result, 11am 727,,, congrats sa naka daog silent winners, congrats,,,

  29. Yes lumabas dn m10 ko congrats s nkm10 p 524 607 nlng natira…good noon admin/ hurot!

  30. CAONGRATS Heart 727 thanks heart sa ME mo.

  31. Congrats heart and GSW winners….hehehehehehehehe daug ko 1k sa pustahan

  32. Salamat @ LEELIT @ Omar 🙂 share 506 386 617 615 278 492 981

  33. Bumps

    Gud nn congratz@ms heart
    (((((((653))))))—((((((956)))))) 953 963 556 353 dpenz 796 759 379 056 672 gudluck

  34. Cupcake_vmd

    Congrats @ALL 727 winners… Happy lunch everyone…
    4pm SHARE: 3D: (708) 147 516 030 930 (023) 219 638 369 452 109 950 2D: 12-19 07-26 11-30 07-08 10-30
    Dream 011 868 530 GOODLUCK! Maraming SALAMAT po boss admin and moderators 🙂 🙂 🙂

  35. chrisca

    224 257

  36. grats winners gud pa admin and all share PAIR 82 72 92 93 (82) 822 821 (832) 824 (72)721 (720) (732) 724 (92)921 (920) (923) 924 (93)931 (930) chalamat admin

  37. superman ( man of steel )

    good noon po admin congrats sister heart share PHN 627 625 623 621 662 629 620 ( 26 ) 233 231 235 237 239 230 ( 23 ) OTHER PAOR NO 66 33 39 36 83

  38. 922

  39. congrats@heart14 … happy lunch everyone
    thank you @boss admin/moderators

  40. bhong

    gd pm admin and to all congrats heart14 sa m10 share 719 179 914 069

  41. bhong

    068 086 806

  42. good pm. adm. sir superman@zaitam@jimmy@fisher congrats heart nka daog sa imoha menten 11am draw salamat

  43. jhung2x

    Good afternoon admin all site mates..
    share 348 508 308 714

  44. simply_lyn834

    Good afternoon boss admin, moderator, F4 & to all sitemates
    Thank u sa morning greeting @fisher @omar
    Congratz @sis heart & to all winners & lastowers
    Share: 846 027 326 328 026 273 651 836
    Thank you boss admin
    Good luck everyone 🙂

  45. domino

    good afternoon admin. bro superman and all sitemates share 4pm draw probables 575 571 515 511 /// 375 371 315 311 …salamat

  46. 4pm draw 709-195-322-849-117-603-232-122- t/r lasto 09-79-07-95-15-19-32-22-49-48-89-11-17-03-60-63-12-t/r gl…

  47. Good noon po sir admin at sa lahat sitemates,,, share 4pm,, 032, 791, 119, 103, 896, 569, 961, 339, 399, 368, 681 889 988, 390139, 882, 383, 006, 034, 581,, thank you sir admin,, have a lucky noon,

  48. pahabol 29- 92- 25- 02- 23-38-10-19-13-57-54 t/r gl…

  49. swertres pahabol 129- 120 t/r

  50. Salamuch po s bati @ Bumps @ bro superman @ marites @ bhong @ redhorse @ simply Lyn…add 214 948 344

  51. anom

    Good after admin , moderators n to all sitefriends A- Z…( hahabol ako 🙂 super bc tlaga …@ Brod Jimmy ..Thanks baka 13-31 na 🙂 Congrats to all winners n lastowers
    4-9 pm share 613 — 13-52 T/R .. GoodLuck … Thanks admin

  52. anom

    @ sis heart14 > congrats

  53. 751 752 750 756 —–368

  54. MauTheGreat

    4pm 799 139 445 745

  55. domino

    share 9pm draw probables 402 404 400 401 492 494 490 491 /// 002 004 000 001 012 014 010 011 092 094 090 091 ///..salamat

  56. yes nkarambol L2 bawi sa patad

  57. Bumps

    Ayay wala mabalike am post

  58. yes nka daog L2 bawi sa patad

  59. Good eve sir admin,, share 9pm,, 100, 166,, 607 ,, 777,, 154,, 093 , 583,, 618, 124,,881,, 199,, 118, 977,, 608, 078, 569,, 761, 297,, salamat po sir admin,, ,

  60. mommy

    Congrats bumps,sa morning post ng copy ko wala m rambol congrats also heart14sa pa menten

  61. Bumps

    Thank u @mommy
    (((((306)))))—((((946))))) 326-056-546-436-dpenz 646-436 permission to post my pamintin/bos admin mga ka sitemates pwede ra

  62. superman ( man of steel )

    good evening po admin congrats mommy share PHN 005 045 085 095 075 065 052 ( 05 ) OTHER PAIR NO 09 06 26 25 55

  63. superman ( man of steel )


  64. Congrats @ Bumps @ mommy @ redhorse share 683 573 713 805 914 245 464

  65. thingy

    good evening admin @moderators mga bros & sis
    congratz all 727, 794 winners 9 pm draw share ; 615 651 561 165
    good luck all…. thanks admin

  66. mommy

    Good evening admin,thank you sa bati, freinds sana nga nanalo ako, hindi konarambol,bka ngayon,hehe,sgi na bumps post your pa menten,ako na atangan 9pm share 421 336 879 425 723 491 193 702 481 314 lasto 21 36 79 91 25 23 02

  67. ?223 lang ako ginagmay 9pm

  68. bhong

    gd pm admin share 509 590 519 695

  69. gud eveng admin share 94–944 945 946 943 –931 903 935 936 419 940 795 793 THANKS

  70. yeng

    pahabol para sa 3-digit draw 9pm: 176, 167, 885, 858, 394, 349.

    lasto probable: 52, 25, 81, 18.

    goodluck to all!

  71. 9pm 910-610-210 t/r lasto 93- 39

  72. Cupcake_vmd

    Congrats @ALL 4pm winners…

  73. Mj81

    Congrats miss heart nakaabay ko rumble gamay dako na kaaung sulbad sa pang skol requirements gamay nlng kulang…slamt kaau sau pa maintain miss godbless us all…congrats sa tanan winners whole day…more winnings mga masters

  74. Geng097

    Congrats day heart,bumps,momy,redhors,yeng at sa lahat ng weners,good nyte boss admen,

  75. mommy

    Congrats boboiboi target 121 morning post,gud nyt admin ug sa tanan,God bless us all!

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