1. Zaitam

    Good mwning Admin! Mga bossings! Man of steel, Superman! Master the great Zelf67! Deep Diver! Omar531! Ogie01! Thingy! Redhorse! Titser Angken! Junex65! Mommy! Electra! Cyberfriendsss!!! God Bless Us!!!

  2. superman ( man of steel )

    gd morning admin share
    (16) 116 167
    (18) 118
    other pair no
    164 166
    186 187 184 188
    (96) 169 699 669 697 694
    (98) 189 889 489 789 689

  3. superman ( man of steel )

    gd pm admin share
    (91) 159
    (93) 339
    (51) 135
    other pair no
    930 389 359
    510 158 155
    (53) 533 350 358 357
    (01) 100
    (03) 330 300 380
    (11) 110 118
    (13) 130
    (33) 338

  4. Thingy

    Hasola kaupat nman oi.. Cgeg balik2 wa pul.e

  5. superman ( man of steel )

    Gd evening admin share
    (12) 128
    (13) 138
    (19) 189
    other pair no
    121 if skide 125 124
    131 if skide 135 134
    191 if skide 159 149
    (10) 110 113 115 114
    if 3
    32 30 33 39 > 1 8 if slides 4 5

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