1. Maaung buntag sa tanan²
    Share 505 unta mogawas ka karong sunday thanks ADMIN…

  2. Arcy54

    Good morning Admin/sitemates. Share for all draws. 526, 481, 583, 635, 308, 557, 529, 471, 850, 775, 836 Thanks admin.

  3. Rcb


  4. superman ( man of steel )

    gd morning admin share
    2pm 692 695 698
    699 392 992
    095 098 099
    792 799 795

  5. Ga-ara

    Good morning admin mga katropa
    Brod Klanx every draw na imong
    gi-m10 Kay moabay ko?
    910-758 my 2pm bet

  6. gudmorning share 641 171 lastowers 71 41 74 44

  7. Alnino


  8. capricorn68

    Good afternoon all… Probables for 5pm and 9pm… 432-493-534-921-923-925…

  9. Kaymeh

    Daug ko 20 492 yes

  10. Master_85


  11. Arcy54

    Congratz 295. Congratz Alnino.

  12. Jollyn

    Grats Alnino sa pair 59

  13. SMP23

    Congrats Capricorn68.. 592 ramble

  14. Arcy54

    Congratz din capricorn68.

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