1. Good morning ADMIN ug sa tanan²
    Share 456 gl thanx…

  2. superman ( man of steel )

    gd morning admin share
    (03all) 370
    (00all) 300
    (55all) 755
    (53all) 135
    (50all) 150
    (51all) 157
    (57all) 577

  3. Electra

    Gudam Admin and to all!

    Share: 039 559 539 059 159 759 592 932

    Thanks Admin.. God bless!

  4. abbey

    nice pair
    13 _ 134 130 132 135 137 139

  5. Good morning admin/moderators,zaitam,superman ,zelf,thingy,ogie,redhorse ,mommy,madel,heart,electra,angken,bern,klanx,noldy, alnino,Babydip,Scorpio abbey,pointer,kram and to all sitemates!!!
    Share: 169-830-138-663-353-412

  6. have a great day Share
    904 304 924
    124 147 301
    812 014 810
    746 214

  7. good pm adm. superman omar all sharer 129-568-512-689-126-625-307-114-121-122-224-120-243-111-222-739-

    las2 29-68-12-21-89-26-25-07-14-22-24-20-43-11-22-39-76-72-73-62-63-23-

  8. Congrats bro@ redhorse rambol 129… @ bro kusog diay lasto sa mindanao? Pila May daugon sa 10 pesos? Wala mana dires cebu.

  9. bro omar las2 10pesos 700

  10. congrats Red

  11. Bro@ redhorse so congrats again for winning lasto as well. Unya nasad..

  12. 24_ 241 249 244

  13. 963 759
    843 043
    864 214
    764 741

  14. 5pm 399-377-814-687-915-210-221-468-539-825-557-775-788-542-070- 50pesos

    las2 32-59-97-65-13-89-94-11-22-77-52-27-64-79-07-05-24-30-68-97=58-08-29-25 100pesos

  15. Thingy

    Congratz bro Redhorse!

  16. Thingy

    Good pm admin boss zaitam, superman, alnino, omar, redhorse, islander, pointer, zelf, klanx, mommy ,madz, electra,abbey
    And to all…

    Share 948 941 971

  17. superman ( man of steel )

    Congratz bro Redhorse!

  18. superman ( man of steel )

    gd evening admin share
    (83a;;) 358
    (80all) 280 580
    (10all) 120 other pair no 89 87 13 18

  19. Thingy

    La Depensa 945 954 v 594 549

  20. Good evening cybermates, guide for tonight’s 3D: 4 or 6. For 4: 174-148. For 6: 603-617-635. My special combination is 635-653 tag 100 para pang tuition sa anak. Good luck!!!!

  21. Thingy

    Sabay kos (80) ni bro beh murag delicado mn hehe >>> 058 508 085

  22. abbey

    1 night only 031 T3digits 100up
    segurdo ako malaking talo ko rito mga bossing… hehehe anyway bet big once in a while..

  23. salamat sir superman 9pm lastwo barangay doble 00-11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-99 100pesos

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