1. Zaitam

    Blissful Sunday Admin! Mga bossings! Man of steel, Superman! Master the great Zelf67! Deep Diver! Omar531! Ogie01! Thingy! Redhorse! Titser Angken! Junex65! Mommy! Electra! Cyberfriendsss!!! God Bless Us!!!

  2. Good day admin/moderators,zaitam,superman ,zelf,thingy,ogie,redhorse ,mommy,madel,heart,electra,angken,bern,klanx,noldy, alnino,Jhung2x,junex, scorpio abbey,pointer,kram and to all sitemates!!! Blessed Sunday all.

  3. Share all draws:
    Best of luck

  4. Islander

    Good noon boss admin
    Master Superman, sir Zaitam, sir Omar
    Hioe to win, God bless

  5. good pm adm. zaitam superman omar thingy angken junex all sharer.

    2pm draw 419 tayada rambol 1k
    138-195 tayada 200pesos
    las2 19-91-41-14-49-94-38-83-13-31-95-59 tayada 200pesos

  6. @superman pang bday lng ngayon

  7. superman ( man of steel )

    gd pm admin share
    (91) 119 149
    (94) 449
    other pair no
    919 912 169 189
    948 942 946 994

  8. superman ( man of steel )

    190 490

  9. Pahabol -942,359-853-762,637-941
    Thanks admin.

  10. superman ( man of steel )

    gd evening admin share
    (16) 156
    (69) 569
    (66) 566
    other pair no
    166 169 126
    699 692 699 669
    662 666
    (36) 356 369 362
    (39) 359
    (88) 588
    (99) 599
    (38) 358

  11. Dred12

    Gd eve admin,,share ……. 172 – 129 thanks!!!!

  12. good ev.

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