1. Zaitam

    Good mwning Admin! Mga bossings! Man of steel, Superman! Master the great Zelf67! Deep Diver! Omar531! Ogie01! Thingy! Redhorse! Titser Angken! Junex65! Mommy! Electra! Cyberfriendsss!!!!!! God Bless Us!!!

  2. Thingy

    Good morning admin @boss zaitam, superman, omar, redhosre, junex, madz ,angken,mommy, alnino, pointer, otip, monsky ,bern ,kalandrakas and to all.

    Share 508 519

  3. superman ( man of steel )

    gd morning admin share
    (66) 166
    (69) 869
    (61) 136
    other pair no
    666 663 668 664 266
    691 369 469 669 269
    616 611 618 146 126
    (67) 067 367 467 677 267

  4. Otip20

    Good morning to all masters and boss admin…
    My share for 2pm 69all 68all 76all 900 990 gl to all

  5. good morning adm. zaitam superman omar thingy angken madel.

    2pm o 5pm 945-597-415-948-943-249-951-815-715-503-205-015-555-000-234-678-215-225-

    las2; 50-51-52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59

  6. sayang wla vi cgnal 47/38 ako kaina

  7. superman ( man of steel )

    gd pn admin share
    (11) 110
    (51) 150
    (81) 180
    other pair no
    111 113
    513 115
    138 118
    (21) 123 112 120

  8. superman ( man of steel )

    superman ( man of steel )
    December 5, 2021 (11:12 am) #

    gd morning admin share

    other pair no
    666 663 668 664 266 < RESUKT 662

  9. superman ( man of steel )

    gd evempmh [p share
    (60) 600
    (40) 400
    (10) 100
    other pair no
    670 650 160
    470 140 450
    (61) 126 168
    (41) 124 148
    (46) 246
    (11) 112 110 118

  10. Kalandrakas

    Good evening admin,sitemates
    My bet 189-565-600

  11. Omar531

    Congrats bro @ superman and to all winners!

  12. 9pm 245-445-456-000-111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999

    las2; 45-54-24-42-25-52-44-56-65-00-11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-99

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