1. Arcy54

    Good morning Admin/sitemates. Share for all draws. 136, 841 729, 635, 630, 227, 637, 738, 649, 772, 836. Thanks admin.

  2. gudmorning share 009 008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001 000

  3. Noys

    796 684 673 672 372

  4. Junar

    363 335
    365 655

  5. superman ( man of steel )

    gd morning admin share
    2pm 949 969 569
    549 769 749
    269 069 049

  6. Lanao3D

    Good Day mga boss idol
    Share: 5__0 guide AllDraw

    538 539 589 584
    531 532 581 587

    056 061 068 041
    089 083 085 035

    Good luck

  7. GD morning Adm share 343 365 102 462 636 last2 43 65 02 62 36 ty

  8. Justice VI

    478,,518,,815,,471,,171,,675,, thanks admin
    Hope to win….

  9. Good morning admin….share 685 660

  10. Pahingi number pang bday bukas

  11. Alnino


  12. Arcy54

    Congratz Justice VI. 847 2pm result.

  13. Junar

    Congrats Justice VI
    2pm 847

  14. SMP23

    Congrats Justice VI #478 R.

  15. Electra

    Congrats Justice VI rambol 478 and to all
    silent winners!

    Share 257 TR

  16. Noys

    796 897 793 493

  17. Alnino


  18. superman ( man of steel )

    share 9pm 936 996 295
    236 299 239
    496 499 999

  19. superman ( man of steel )

    185 885 155 855

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